Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Helper Apps: Slickrun

There are several applications that I install almost immediately on any computer that I'll be working on. These applications make life easier and the best thing about it is that they're free.

Without a shadow of a doubt this application is, by far, the most useful app that you will ever install. Slickrun is a command line interface that uses "magic words to expand its functionality. It's has an extremely small footprint, meaning that the filesize of the program is very small, in fact it's less than 1 megabyte (Small enough to fit on a floppy disk with room to spare.

What does it do?
In a word... Everything. I'm still trying. I've been using it for over 2 years and I'm still finding new things I can add.

You use keywords to launch things like

Say I wanted to launch photoshop I just type PS and hit enter. Thunderbird, type mail and hit enter, Firefox, just type firefox and hit enter. With autocomplete built in you rarely have to type more than the first 3 letters.
Before you even launch your browser you can type the address in slickrun and go directly to the page as the browser launches.
You can search before you even reach a page. Let's say you wanted to search google for information on dogs. Simply type google into slickrun and hit enter. Another box will pop up for your search request. Enter "dogs" into the search and your browser launches with the results. This eliminates the time to 1, launch the browser, 2, navigate to googles site 3, wait for the result.
Ever needed to take a quick note? With jot you can simply hit windows key + J and you will have a collapsible, searchable text file that autosaves. Before this I used to have my desktop littered with notepad files.
Everyday we repeat the same repetative tasks. We open the same applications when we start our computers, write a paper, or do research. with multi you can now launch multiple applications at the same time.

Let's say every day you open Thunderbird, Firefox and AIM. Now you can launch all of these with one word. Once configured you can launch all three apps by typing in something like "morning". There is no restriction to the amount of apps you launch at the same time. You can even add delays to the launch and select the sequence that you wish.

Slickrun can be found at below is a URL to the download page.
Slickrun Download Page

Slickrun Tips:
Below you will find tips and tricks for slickrun.

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